

Shopyflow installation takes place in 2 simple steps.

  1. Configuring Shopify
  2. Connecting to Webflow

Configure Shopify

Shopyflow requires a Storefront API access token to securely connect your Shopify Store to your Webflow site. To generate your Store API access token;

  1. Head to your Shopify Admin > Settings > Apps and Sales Channels section and click Develop apps link..

What’s a Rich Text element? What’s a Rich Text What’s a Rich Text element? What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

What’s a Rich Text element? What’s a Rich What’s a Rich Text element? What’s a Rich Text ejklkjököbömnlement?What’s a Rich Text element? What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Shopyflow requires a Storefront API access token to securely connect your Shopify Store to your Webflow site. To generate your Store API access token;

1. Head to your Shopify Admin > Settings > Apps and Sales Channels section and click Develop apps link.

What’s a Rich Text element? What’s a Rich What’s a Rich Text element? What’s a  element?What’s a Rich Text element? What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


Pre-launch Checklist

Pre-launch Checklist

Shopify Storefront data and cart logic is bound to your Webflow elements through Shopyflow attributes. Connecting your Webflow site to Shopify is done by adding custom attributes to your Webflow elements.

Yet, you are not required to type or edit attributes manually. Shopyflow provides you with the pre-configured components needed to create your store, as copyable Webflow elements right in Webflow designer.

All the copyable Shopyflow Components are native editable Webflow elements. There is no layout or styling limitation on any element.

In the below image hover your mouse on the hotspots to see all the required Shopyflow attributes to build a product page like this in Webflow

Webflow designer
Custom Attributes
Custom Attributes
Custom Attributes
sf-change-option="{Option Name}"
Custom Attributes
Custom Attributes
sf-change-option="{Option Name}"
Custom Attributes
sf-product="{Product ID}"
Custom Attributes
Attribute Name
Attribute Value
True or 1
Nesting Rule
Can be placed anywhere in the site
No items found.
Pre-launch Checklist

① Add a custom domain

To be able to use Shopyflow on a custom domain you need to have a Shopyflow pro plan.

  1. Head over to the plans page and upgrade your plan.
  2. Head back to your stores page and click on the three dots next to the build button on your store.
  3. Click Edit Store and replace your domain with your custom domain.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you are NOT using the same domain in Webflow and in Shopify. Follow the steps below and set a new Shopify domain.

Next, we will set our primary Shopify domain which will be used for Shopify checkout. For that we have two options: Using the default Shopify domain (which ends with or using a custom subdomain.

Default Shopify Domain

If you would like to use the default Shopify domain as your primary Shopify domain

  1. Head over to Shopify Admin > Settings > Domains.
  2. Find your default Shopify domain and set it as your primary domain.

Custom Subdomain

If you would like to use a custom subdomain follow these steps:

  1. Head over to Shopify Admin > Settings > Domain
  2. Add a custom domain (e.g. for your Shopify checkout by choosing Connect existing domain.
  3. Once the subdomain is added set it as your primary domain.
  4. Go to your domain host (e.g. GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc.) and open up your main domain's (e.g. DNS settings.
  5. Create a CNAME record as follows:
    name = The subdomain you added to Shopify (e.g. shop)
    value =

You can check out this Shopify guide for more info on connecting a subdomain to your Shopify store.

Domains bought through Shopify

If you have bought your domain through Shopify, you can't use it in Webflow. Shopify does not allow two A records with the name @ which is a requirement when adding a custom domain to Webflow.

In this case you have two options:

  1. Using a subdomain in Webflow. To achieve that, create a CNAME record in your domain's DNS settings in Shopify as follows:
    name = Pick a subdomain. Something like shop
    value =
  2. Transfering your domain to a different domain host and following the Custom Subdomain steps from above.

② Company logo in checkout & Redirects

Add the following code snippet to your theme.liquid file to setup Shopify redirects. The snippet does the following:

  1. Redirects your customers to the correct product pages in Webflow.
  2. Prevents your customers from accessing your Shopify theme when they click on your company logo in Shopify checkout.
  3. Redirects a Shopify page to a specific Webflow page following your defined rules (e.g. Shopify login to Webflow login).
  4. Excludes certain pages from redirect (e.g. subscription login page).
  5. Redirects all the other pages to your Webflow site home page.

Don't forget to change custom-domain (e.g. and webflow-collection-slug (e.g. products) values to match your store in Webflow. See the video below to locate your theme.liquid file in Shopify admin.

<script src=""

  {% # Required # %}

  {% # Optional. Recommended when using CMS. Redirects Shopify PDP to Webflow PDP. # %}
  {% # Optional. Define page(s) that have explicit redirect rules. E.g. Shopify login -> Webflow login # %}
  redirect="account/login=login, account/register=sign-up"

  {% # Optional. Define page(s) that should be excluded from redirect. E.g. subscription login page # %}
  no-redirect="apps/subscriptions, tools/recurring, tools/calendar"

                                                    How to find your theme.liquid file in Shopify

③ Speed up the CMS product template page

On non-CMS pages, Shopyflow hides the content of the page until it finishes fetching product data from Shopify. However this is not necessary when using the CMS because Shopify product data is already the available on the page via CMS. So to speed up your CMS pages:

  • Head over to your product template page, select the Product Container and see if it has sf-await="1" custom data attribute. If it does have it, remove it from the element.
  • Go to the page where you show a list of your products. Select a Product Container inside the CMS list element and remove the sf-await="1" custom data attribute if it has it.

④ Hide your Shopify theme from search engines

Add this line close to the top of your theme.liquid file to stop Google and other crawlers from indexing your Shopify theme. Refer to the video above to locate your theme.liquid file in Shopify admin.

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

⑤ Disable Shopify cookie banner

When transitioning to a headless Shopify store, it's important to disable Shopify's native cookie banner. Since your customers interact with your store through your headless setup, they won't be able to provide consent via Shopify's default cookie banner.

Instead, you can implement a cookie banner directly within your Webflow site to handle consent in compliance with privacy regulations.

⑥ Share cart session between Webflow and the Shopify theme

To be able to use some of the Shopify apps that work only in a Shopify theme (Online Store), you can let Shopyflow sync your cart session from Webflow over to Shopify.

For that to work, domains on both platforms must be under the same top level domain. This means any domain + subdomain or subdomain + subdomain combination for Webflow and Shopify would work.

Cart syncing does not work if you are on domain or if your Shopify domain ends with, since in both scenarios domains do not belong to the same top level domain.

✅ In these scenarios cart syncing would work:

  • Webflow:
  • Webflow:
  • Webflow:

❌ In these scenarios cart syncing would not work:

  • Webflow:
  • Webflow:

Class name
Target elements
Can be placed anywhere in the site
No items found.

Webflow app usage

Webflow app settings

Component contents

Module contents

Available methods

No items found.


No items found.

State management

No items found.

Related Utilities

No items found.
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